Shipping Policy

Minimum orders of $200

Packages will either be shipped with tracking and insurance using the customer’s choice between Canada Post Xpress or UPS. It is my responsibility to know and follow my chosen shippers’ rules. I choose to receive my shipment by [    ]  Canada Post, [    ]  UPS, or  [    ]  Other described here: _______________________________. I am knowledgeable of my shippers’ rules and understand they have the best options available to me in my shipping area. 

I understand I am responsible for my package once it has left My Flower Stop warehouse. My Flower Stop cannot control the weather or mechanical delays that impact shipping carriers. My Flower Stop is not responsible for stolen boxes or damaged product due to being left on the porch during inclement weather. 

It is my responsibility to have someone available to receive my package when it arrives to its destination. If I am not present at time of the first delivery attempt requiring my shipper to hold the package for redelivery, I forfeit any rights to refunds, no exceptions.  I understand I am responsible to coordinate a redelivery or choose to pickup. My Flower Stop is unable to help with direction once the order has been shipped.  

FedEx (hyperlink:, 

UPS (hyperlink:, and 

Canada Post Xpress service which all have package tracking and insurance. 

Shipping Rates in Canada Order total (excluding Tax) $200 + $60 Hold Order total (excluding Tax) $500 + will receive 30% off shipping